Management Desk

Dr. Dhananjay Varnekar
Founder Chairman
Parents and my dear students,
I take this privilege to welcome you to Cambridge International School. At Cambridge International School, we have taken an initiative towards the progress of India by building schools, where we can impart best global practices in the children, through an Integrated Research Based International Curriculum. We, at Cambridge International School are passionate about guiding the next generation towards their development, growth and leadership.
To assist our students to blossom intellectually, aesthetically, morally and spiritually, we follow the Gurukul concept of schooling, which helps us understand each child’s individual requirement and work towards helping the child develop his entrepreneurial & leadership skills. We have furnished the campus with state-of-the-art facilities to meet the requirements of global competition. The sports arena, laboratories, art rooms, classrooms, technologies; you name it, everything is equipped to provide only the best for our students’ growing year.
Each child has his/her own pace of development and it is imperative that we work together as teachers and parents towards a common goal – building strong characters and dynamic personalities. We believe that along with their child, parents also grow. Therefore for “growing parents” we have parents clubs, sports club, entrepreneurship workshops, art of parenting workshops; I personally request you to be a part of these as it definitely helps the child in progress. Lastly, I would like to request the parents to give your children adequate time to grow and flourish.
Dear Parents,
Being an industrialist and a humanitarian, I closely observe the changes going around the country and the world. It is a big challenge for the generation next to stand out in this cut-throat competition.
I believe that only having knowledge is not sufficient, one must have the skills and confidence to present it in front of the world. Being a part of management of Cambridge International School it is our moral responsibility to strengthen our children in every aspect of life and to solve the purpose, we must provide them every required facility.
Another important factor we are addressing is the safety of each and every student. We have installed CCTV camera in all the key campus areas and also in the buses. The staff is also trained and responsible for students’ safety. Believe it or not, today’s generation is smarter than expected. They explore various career prospects through internet. They understand their social responsibilities. They have inbuilt talent, we just need to polish it and guide them towards their destination.
In the last few years, PCMC has witnessed tremendous growth in all sectors- industries, technology, the infrastructure; you name it. Now it is high time for an evolution in education industry. Let’s together create a bright future for our children
Mr. Dnyaneshwar Kalbhor

Mr. Ram D. Raina
Founder Director
Dear Parents,
Every Student Deserves a Childhood full of enthusiasm and experimentation. This is the right time to allow them to expand their horizons and spread their wings. At Cambridge International School (CIS), every student get exposure to systematic extensive learning under the guidance of trained and insightful educators so that they will develop a global outlook. The CIS will spare no efforts to make learning a joyful and sustainable activity for its students, making education a real celebration. The stress-free environment encourages each child to explore, experiment and discover the world around them.
We believe in assistance and assessment. We believe in techniques and technology. We believe in honesty, integrity. We believe in strength of every student and every mentor. We believe in the concept of Modern Gurukul. We at CIS understand that to compete and establish as a leader in this highly competitive world is a challenge and to meet this challenge we are presenting herewith real in the world, unique in India-Skill Development Program.
The Skill Development Program understands students’ natural talent and polishes their skills to professional level right from schooling days. The program assists and assess the children to choose their career path. We believe that only a healthy body can achieve big. We address healthy habits and health related concerns through in house full time medical facilities, workshops and workbooks for both students and parents. As a Director, I welcome all parents to willingly entrust their wards in our care and we promise to give them a schooling that will enable them to compete globally, making them responsible citizens.
Dear Parents,
“Education is not mere accumulation of facts; it is preparation of life itself”
Education is knowledge imbued with wisdom and ethics. It develops the personality of the students, moulds their character and develops mental skills to help them cope with problems and challenges of the complex world of today. We at CIS aim to make our students successful not only in life, but also conscious of their duties and responsibilities towards their fellow citizens. We value collaborative learning, positive relationships and building capacity amongst our students to effectively allow them to engage in the world of the future, where problem solving, evaluating, working in teams, communicating, creating and innovating are not only valued concepts, but expected skills, attributes and capabilities.
Our school values provide our staff and students with a blueprint for life – Be Safe; Be Respectful; Be Responsible; Be Your Best and Be Kind. We encourage our students to develop respectful relationships with their peers, teachers and the broader community. We instill in our students a keen social conscience and the capacity to make ethical decisions. Students are continually encouraged to appreciate our diverse community and to care for others by becoming global citizens, and develop a concern and active respect for the environment.
CIS exemplify the fact that sky is not the limit in the pursuit of excellence. The aim of our schools is to promote a system of integral education in a congenial child-friendly environment that emphasises the unity of all knowledge, synthesises humanity and sciences and recognises the fact that each child is unique. It was Margaret Mead who said “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think,” and to enable this, our motto of Knowledge, Imagination and Innovation is encouraged through a holistic approach. Academic excellence with character and personality development is our ultimate goal. The well chalked out academic and co-curricular programme enables the students to attain their full potential to develop sound work habits. We believe that it is our responsibility as educators to nurture and develop every student to their maximum potential. “Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those, who don’t rest on the laurels of the past.” We at CIS firmly subscribe to this. I am confident that CIS will always be bacon of light guiding the destiny of its students, while radiating kindness and compassion as it soars high in its pursuit of academic excellence & fulfillment of the school motto.
Ms. Sarabjeet Kaur Mahal